Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I've Got The Laundry Blues...How 'Bout You?

Photo courtesy of Country Living
Photo courtesy of Country Living
Photo courtesy of Pointclickhome

I have a problem. I have NEVER enjoyed doing laundry. It is one of my least favorite domestic chores. Give me a counter full of dirty dishes that need to be hand-washed and I'd RATHER take on that job! On the one hand, I'm so grateful to even have a family to do laundry for (5 people with 2 teenage girls in that mix) and on the other, I just can't stand the task! I seriously HATE doing laundry! Does anyone else feel this way?

I start out just fine. In fact, I'm a real stickler to sort everything well. I like to bleach my whites. Light colored and dark colored clothes all separated. Jeans together. Towels together. Whites. Etc. etc. etc. Putting it into the washer, then the dryer - no problem. THIS is where I get tripped up...folding it and putting it away! Am I the *only one* with this issue???? LOL

What laundry routines work for you? What's your biggest challenge...is it the folding and putting away, like me? Do you hang most of your clothes up or are they folded in a drawer?

Hey, thanks for your input!

*By the way, I am STILL planning to host my first giveaway to celebrate 300 posts. In fact, the plans are in the works and I'll share about it soon.


  1. Hi Michelle!!!

    I don't mind doing the laundry at all until it comes to putting it away! I hang the majority of my clothes due to limited drawer space. What I would really like is one of those dream laundry rooms, like you posted!

    I'm anxious to see this giveaway of yours!!!

    Have a great day!!!

  2. I'm with ya Michelle. I don't mind the washer and dryer thing..I just hate folding and carrying the clothes to rooms and putting them away. The kids pretty much do their own, it's just that I have to keep on them to come down and get their stuff. I hate sorting it and actually putting mine and Glenn's away. Maybe it's because I don't have enough room!

    I'm excited about your giveaway...can't wait!


  3. I don't love any of it but the putting away is the worst part.
    Not too bad anymore because there is just me.

  4. I hate laundry too. Almost everything we have is hung up so I really only have to fold towels. Our system works pretty good-Cody does the laundry and lays it out and I put it up. :) I'm opposite of you-I hate changing the loads out. :)

  5. Hi Michelle, I have certain loads that I hate. I can't stand to fold all the whites and match up all of those socks. I do love folding towels. It's kind of thereputic because they are so large and looks so neat when folded. They make me feel productive when I see them stacked neatly. I do try to get help from my kids, that makes it go quickly. Have a good day sweet friend. Kathi

  6. I don't love laundry either. Maybe if I had that first laundry room I would - lol!

    I hate putting it all away. Ugh...


  7. I don't mind sorting and getting the laundry going, but I really do not enjoy folding the clothes!!! That's my worst thing!

    Hugs, Sharon

  8. Let me tell you that right now I have a load of clothes in the dryer that are already dry and have been sitting in there and getting wrinkled since this afternoon. And you know what, I am about to go to bed and will worry about them tomorrow. I can feel your pain girl!

  9. I have the laundry ROOM blues at the moment. I am patiently (agonizing) awaiting bead board to be installed and painted so that it doesn't look like a mud room anymore. Like a proper laundry room.

  10. Michelle, thanks for the comment! Nice to come over here and meet you!

    I don't mind laundry too much. I usually wash a load or two a day to keep up with it and always try to put it away before going to bed. I also always fold clothes while I watch TV. Now I almost can't stand watching TV without laundry to fold. ;)

    Sounds like you are much more of a stickler about laundry than I am. I do wash towels together, jeans together, delicate stuff together but that's about the extent.

    Glad to see you said the Time Travelers Wife was just OK. I was thinking about going to see it but maybe I'll just wait till it comes out.

  11. Hey Michelle! My husband put 2 screws on the back of each shutter and wound wire around them to hang it by (like you see on the backs of pictures). Ya got me? I am not a good explainer. Girl, copy away all you want because that's why I blog - to give and definitely get ideas!!!

  12. I totally have the laundry room blues! I think the thing I dislike the most is that I don't have a window...not light shining in to make my chore more enjoyable! My laundry room is definitely on my "to do" list.


  13. My exact same problem. I hate folding and putting away. The laundry part doesn't seem like a chore, but the rest really does. sigh.

  14. I hang out our laundry on a clothesline the majority of the time and it is the kids' chore to get it off the line for me and fold it. We don't fold jeans or long sleeve shirts though. I keep empty hangers with the laundry basket and the jeans go back on the clippy hangers from the store that they came on..ya know the ones that are straight across with a clip on either side that looks like a chip clip..most stores will give you those free and they work great for hanging jeans and slacks! The kids just slip the long sleeve shirts onto hangers and everyone takes their own to their closets. I have also learned to mark everybody's socks with a different color fabric marker lightly on the heel so that I can easily tell everyone's socks apart. It has worked wonders for us.

    Hugs ~ Angie

  15. I never mind doing laundry when I just do a load or 2 a day - I start them first thing in the morning.

    Like Victoria, I fold during TV time and then put piles on all the beds,except ours - I do put ours away.

    NOW for a chore I detest - cleaning bathrooms - never ending thanksless job


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