Saturday, September 12, 2009

And The Winner Is.....

We have a's 'The Scooper' from A La Mode...congratulations! (Please send me an e-mail and I'll get that package in the mail to you.) Thanks to all who participated in my first giveaway!

Hope everyone enjoys a wonderful weekend! We are having beautiful weather here in Michigan...yay!


  1. So glad it's beautiful in Michigan right now! It's sure nice here in Vegas too!
    Congrats to 'The Scooper'!
    BTW--love the prizes you gave nice!
    Jen S.

  2. Oops...somehow th first comment showed that it came from "Jeven" (who is my daughter!) but it was really from me (Jen S.) Guess she was still signed in from earlier. Sorry!
    ~Jen S.

  3. Thank you again Michelle! I am just so excited I could burst. And let me just say that I am a huge fan of Michigan in the Fall. My hubby is from Michigan and we are usually there twice a year...but never in the Fall. Anyway, Michiganders are near and dear to me, even though I'm a Southern girl. : )

    Hope you enjoy a gorgeous Fall!

  4. Congratulations to "The Scooper"! I have to go check her blog out and find out what's behind that name!


  5. Congratulations to the winner!! What a lovely prize too. Have a wonderful week Michelle. I am so bad about writing, but I will write to you hopefully this week.
    Hugs, Kathi


I appreciate each and every single one of you who stops by for a visit...thank you! Please leave me a comment...I really love hearing from you :)