Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A 300th Post Giveaway...Sign Up Now!

Today was 'back to school' for my girls so I just wanted to share a cute picture I took of them sitting with their dad before they left for school! Taylor started her junior year and Tess started 8th grade. Keep scrolling to see the giveaway!

Today marks 300 posts for this blog...wow! I wanted to host a giveaway as a way to celebrate that and also thank the ones who visit here!

Let me tell you what's included in this giveaway:
*Small decorative wreath with pretty bow in fall colors
*"Leaves of Gold" poetry book
*A green throw from JCPenney Home Collection...it measures 48" x 54" (pictured under wreath/book)
*Pumpkin spice candle
*Handmade fabric "AUTUMN" banner...made especially for you by yours truly!

Here are a few important things to know about this giveaway:
*To enter - simply leave a comment on this post.
*You DO NOT need a blog to join in...I just need a way to contact you.
*I'll ship anywhere in the U.S. & Canada.
*Comments will close on Friday, 9-11 @ 11:59 p.m. (EST.) A winner will be randomly chosen and announced the next day, Saturday, 9-12.

Thank you to all who so graciously visit my blog and leave such wonderful comments...I appreciate it!


  1. Cool giveaway, my new friend!! You are so generous!!! I think giveaways are so much fun to do!


  2. Congrats!! That is so super exciting! 300 posts is a huge milestone! What a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!

    Thanks for stoppin by to see me!

  3. Congratulations on your 300th post.
    Thanks for the chance to win these wonderful things.

  4. COngrats on 300! Way to go!

    thanks for the giveaway!

  5. What a great group of fallish things for a giveaway! I hope I win...I love your blog! Ellen

  6. What a wonderful give-away Michelle. I love the pretty fall colors. It's always a pleasure to visit your blog!! Hugs, Kathi

  7. PLEASE ENTER ME! seriously girl I have entered numerous giveaways and have yet won one ;( but this surely would be the JACKPOT, if I won! Crossing my fingers! and thanks for telling me ;)

  8. Hi Michelle!!!

    Your blog looks so pretty!!! Congrats on the 300th post! I'm not even halfway there! LOL!

    You are having such a wonderful giveaway! Thanks for doing that for little ol' us!

    Enjoy your afternoon!!!

  9. i did not realize that tess and my ellie are the same age. guess i need to pay better attention.

    congratulations on 300 posts. i'm excited to continue this journey with you into the next season.

  10. Congrats! Thanks for the chance at such a generous giveaway!

  11. GET. OUT.
    Mmm, Fall. I'm trying to get holiday decor. Married for only 4 years, and MAN my home needs more Holiday/Season Cheer!

  12. Hi Michelle!
    Thank you so much for the Anniversary wishes on my blog...you are so kind :)
    I'm sooo excited about your blog giveaway! Please enter my name... I'm feeling really lucky about this....yipeeeeee!
    By the way, we must think alike, because I was shopping yesterday (in Home Goods...which is one of my favorite stores) and I bought a few things to do a giveaway on my blog too. I have to do a post about it, and haven't had time yet today to get to it, but will later on today...so be sure to head back over to my blog and enter :)
    Also, love the picture you posted of you family... your daughters are absolutely gorgeous! What a nice looking family :)
    Thanks again for coming to my blog!!
    Jen S.

  13. Wow thanks for the opportunity! I hope I win!

  14. Congrats on 300 posts! I really enjoy your blog!

  15. Congratulations on your 300th post. Whoever wins the prizes you've selected will be blessed.

  16. The girls look so beautiful! You are so blessed with such a loving family! Please enter me in your giveaway! I love all the prizes!!!!

    Hugs, Sharon

  17. Your daughters look beautiful and so grown up. Tess is the same age as our niece who lives with us. Gorgeous Taylor looks like you!
    Congrats on your 300th post. Your sound like you are doing well...I pray that is the case.
    I would love to enter your Fall giveaway!

    Hugs, Beth

  18. I would love to be entered in your give away. So happy I got back from vacation in time to sign up.

    Big hugs

  19. What a cute picture!

    300 posts! Wow! I think I just passed 200! Congratulations and thank for putting together such a nice giveaway!


  20. 300 posts!!! Way to go!!! Here is to 300 more! - Love the banner you made!!!

  21. I so much enjoy reading your blog! It looks beautiful. The giveaway has some beautiful things in it! I love fall and the bright, rich colors. Hope you have an outstanding day!!

  22. Hi Michelle:

    Been out of the game lately, miss so many friends like you, hope all is well in your world, please enter me into your drawing.

    With Love,

    Debbie Kay

  23. Oh my goodness Michelle, the girls are beautiful..you should be one proud momma!

    Great giveaway...I'd love to be entered! Thanks for the email...I'm a little behind in answering; trying to plan Cassie's shower now, what a joke!!!


  24. You are so sweet to do a giveaway! I have never done one!

  25. Congrats to you and how generous!
    psalm25v4 @ q dot com

  26. Congratulations on 300 posts! That is awesome! What a great giveaway too. Perfect for getting fall started. :)

  27. Cute picture Michelle. Your daughters are so pretty.


  28. Wow! 300! That's awesome! Thanks for the kind words on my blog! You are super sweet!!!

  29. Michelle,

    Thanks so much for your kind words on my blog. They meant alot. Your girls just look so much like you...wow...what a beautiful family you have, girl!

    Thank you for sharing your life with us...I have found so much inspiration and strength in your words.

    Hugs ~ Angie

  30. cute blog and lots of fun ideas
    your girls look happy for school to begin

  31. Wow, 300 posts, congrats! Cute family picture, too.


  32. How fun! I love giveaways! Count me in and congrats on being so prolific in your posts :).

  33. Oh, what wonderful goodies!! That is too sweet!!

  34. My favorite time of year! I hope I win! Just seeing all this autumn goodness makes me happy! Thanks!

  35. Hey,
    I came over for a visit. You left a comment on my blog-Its So Very Cheri. I hope you come by often, leave lots of comments because that's how I get to know you better and join as a follower and I will do the same. If you want to know more than you ever wanted about me you can click on the G-Force family button on my blog under the header. I look forward to getting to know you better.

    Its So Very Cheri

  36. Michelle,

    I love that picture of your beautiful girls and your hubby - so cute.

    I also think you are too awesome to have such a generous giveaway. Congratulations on your 300th post! I don't know if I will ever make it that far.

    I'm going to be writing back to you today. I will have some more time this afternoon.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

    Hugs & Love to you,

  37. Well I just popped over to leave a comment and lo and behold, a fun fall giveaway! Thanks for your kind comment on my blog. I can't always respond to every comment but I just like to say thanks when I can. Love the giveaway!

  38. Dearest Michelle,
    Been a long while since I have been over to see you, your children and hubby look wonderful, and it was so sweet how they were all dressed in navy blue too!

    Lovely giveaway, please add my name, what a bonus to visiting you today!
    Donna Lynn

    PS How is your Tyler doing?? Mine is finally back at work...

  39. OH shoot...I'm too late...'the story of my life' lol ;) well, congrats to the winner!!!!



I appreciate each and every single one of you who stops by for a visit...thank you! Please leave me a comment...I really love hearing from you :)