Wednesday, June 24, 2009

It's Over!

I am pleased to tell you that I finished my cancer treatment...last Thursday was my last radiation treatment...WOO-HOO!!!! I got that certificate & book from the radiation center. Wasn't that nice? I was teasing all of them that I felt like I had graduated! This is where we go from here...I saw my medical oncologist a week ago and everything was fine; I'll see him again in September and every few months after that. I go back to see my radiation oncologist next month and my plastic surgeon at the beginning of August. I am feeling AWESOME! (It feels so wonderful to be able to say that!) My hair is growing and growing and growing. My energy level is pretty high. I'm back to doing everything I used to. Oh yeah, LIFE IS GOOD!

In other news, our son's graduation party is this coming Saturday. I have been keeping SOOO busy with all of those details to pull off a great party. Thankfully I'm a list-maker by nature so that sure has helped to write down everything I can possibly think of that needs to be taken care of. (Should I mention I'm also a procrastinator so that's not good?!)

On that note, I've gotta make myself get away from this computer and get some things done!


  1. Whoooo hooooo!!! Congratulations Michelle...that's the most awesome news! I'm so glad that is behind you now.

    I'm having Mark's graduation party this Saturday, what a lot of work, but then, there's nothing we don't do for our kids!


  2. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I'm soooo happy for you!!!!

    Enjoy the graduation party!!!!

  3. Yes!

    My sweet friend I only wish you a long life time of doing parties for and with your wonderful family and strength to enjoy a God filled life goodness and Love.

    That is terrific news!


  4. Congratulations! Have fun at the graduation party, too!

  5. I am just so happy for you!!!!! Isn't it the greatest feeling in the world to know that you are DONE!!!!! And what a way to celebrate --- a graduation party!

    I wish my hair would grow faster. It's been 6 months and I still look like a marine!!!! I'll be glad when I look like a woman again!

  6. yay!!!!!

    celebrating with you the end of your treatment and the beginning of your new, "better" life! God is faithful to see us through our trials.

    hope all goes well this weekend and you are able to kick back and enjoy the fun.

  7. This is WONDERFUL news! I am so happy for you. It's always nice to see prayers being answered!


  8. I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!! Congratulations on your "graduation". I am thrilled that you are feeling like your old self again. I'm also very glad your hair is growing.

    I hope you have a great time at the other party. I'm sure you will - you have so much to celebrate!

    Love and hugs to you,

  9. That is the best news my friend ... go out and celebrate life!

  10. Congratulations.. I love your "diploma"
    So good to hear you're feeling so good.

    My hair isn't growing as fast as usual..but
    it's some hair.
    I love a new pic of you



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