Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Extra Extra Read All About It!!!

I'm feeling SOOOOOOO much better now! Thanks for all your sweet comments and for checking in on me :) It was really rough going for quite a few days there. The home health nurse came yesterday and said everything looks great at the incision site - that drain tube is ready to come out. That will probably happen sometime before the end of this week.

OK, so I'm a little embarrassed to admit this but yesterday was the first day since I had surgery that I actually got dressed in "REAL" clothes - not just pajamas or casual 'wear-it-only-around-the-house' clothes. (C'mon, you know what I'm talking about...those favorite pair of sweats you wouldn't be caught dead wearing outside your house! hehe) Anyway, my son Tyler played chauffeur for the day and took me to the grocery store. Let me tell ya, it's bad enough laying around on the couch but it's even worse laying around on the couch being hungry with nothing that sounds too appetizing! (Somehow saltine crackers or ramen noodles just didn't cut it.) Yes, I DESPERATELY needed to grocery shop! I felt a great sense of accomplishment last night after our trip to the store :)

The doctor who performed my lymph node surgery called me yesterday with the pathology report...GREAT NEWS!!! All of the lymph nodes tested NEGATIVE for cancer...whoooo hoooooo!!!!! Oh yeah, doin' the happy dance :) Sometimes I feel like I'm playing I can advance to the next space - which, in this case, will be radiation. ha ha Yep, things are moving right along and I am very happy about that.

Oh, and I recently won a giveaway hosted by Michele @ Country Vintage blog so I'll have to share a picture of the goodies. Thanks again, Michele...LOVE everything!



  1. What great news ... that is absolutely the best. Make sure to celebrate it.

    I too have days of where I stay in the same clothes for days on end. I'm just to tired, sick, weak, chilled to make a change. You are not alone with that one.

    Hope you have a great day!

  2. great news!! i can hear your excitement through your writing. i know what a big deal it is to get to the grocery store for yourself. woohoo!!

    praise God about the lymph node report. continuing to ask Him for complete healing for you.

  3. Great news! Cancer free! I am glad the drain gets to come out soon! I would have stayed in my comfy clothes also. Bless your sweet heart...there really is an end to this nightmare!

    Good luck with radiation and you will still be in my prayers for a quick recovery. Let the hair!!!
    WOO HOO!!!

  4. Love hearing this wonderful news!:o) :o)
    Have a great wk.

  5. Whooooooooooooo, Hooooooooooo!!!

    We're soooo pleased at the results!!! And...that you're feeling so much better.

    We'll continue're still on our Prayer List.

    Jan & Tom


  7. I'm doin the happy dance right along with ya Michelle! That's wonderful news!

    Have a very blessed Easter!


  8. AMEN!!!!! Prayers are heard and answered....and so thankful for that. So many nights you have weighed heavily on my mind as I have wondered why you must go through this....but I see now that your bravery and your attitude teaches us all a lesson here...and I will not let that pass me by....God bless you and your family this happy for you,my happy!

    Hugs & Love, Angie

  9. So very relieved you are doing better! Been praying for you and will of course continue!
    Donna Lynn

  10. That is just the greatest news!!!! So glad that this is one worry off your mind and heart. I know what you mean about wanting to get out of the house and go grocery shopping. It was the first thing I wanted to do, too! It was hard getting in and out of the car, but well worth the effort after being cooped up! And I understand your wanting to get this all overwith. I'm just finishing up radiation and then I'm done, too! It's been a journey and a half, hasn't it?

  11. I'm so glad you are better..
    You'll have good days and not so good
    you'll be tired and you'll need to rest.

    I still feel good and bad..but each day
    is a blessing...We're on the road to
    being cancer free!!!

    I'm just scattered brained..but I can
    laugh at it most of the time!!

    hugs to you

  12. Yippee!!! You know I'm happy. Love you and I'll talk to you soon.

    Have a WONDERFUL weekend.

    P.S. Can't wait to see photos of your giveaway goodies.

  13. hi sweetie, please send me your email. xo diana

  14. hey girl your blog looks awesome!!!
    I hope you feel even better today!


  15. I'm doing the happy dance along with you!!!! I'm so thankful to heart this good news. Praise God!!! Bless you Michelle, and please don't ever feel bad about the pj thing. Been there done that too after having my fourth child. You are so cute and beautiful. Hugs, Kathi

  16. I am sooo glad things are going well!

  17. glad to hear your good news. I just found your blog and am catching up on your family. Hope you will stop by and visit me...


I appreciate each and every single one of you who stops by for a visit...thank you! Please leave me a comment...I really love hearing from you :)