Thursday, March 19, 2009

How Do I Do That?

Let me just tell you...I am NOT a computer whiz so I have no idea how to use Mister Linky. Holly from the Homebody blog is hosting "Thrift Store Thursday" and I'd love to link up but I don't know how! Can someone out there give me some assistance here?? Anyone???!!! Thank you :-)

**Edited to add : A great big thanks to Jan & Nancy! I *think* I got it! You know what's funny? I've never been a part of any blog party 'cause I haven't known how to use that whole Mister Linky thing LOL


  1. Hi Michelle,

    Normally, all you do is put your NAME on the top line of Mr. Linky's box...then right click on the TITLE of YOUR POST (after you have it posted) and COPY SHORTCUT...that's what goes on the bottom line of Mr. Linky's box.



  2. GM Michelle, That Mr. Linky should be Miss Linky...then It would not be so ;)

    If you are wanting to sign up for a party...just....copy and past your blog url link into the mr. linky she has posted on her party post. Put your name and/or blog name in the name box....and paste your URL to your post into the Mr. linky link box....That's it...I hope this helps you! Nancy

  3. YEAH.. you did it.. and isn't it fun to learn new things..
    I'm going to check it out..


  4. Hey Michelle!!
    Thanks for finding{somehow??} my blog and commenting. Love all your thrifted goodies!! You are beautiful!! Good for you to share a photo of yourself. Hope you have a great weekend!!


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