Saturday, March 14, 2009


OK, so I finally got brave today and decided to show you a picture of MY NEW HAIR!!! It's slowly but surely growing...mostly at the back and sides; just a little on top so far. Still waiting on those eyebrows! My face seems extra puffy and my eyes water like crazy most of the time - they tell me it's just the effects of the chemo/steroids still in my body. It should get better in a month or so...

Anyway, my new hair is really soft - kinda like a little baby chick. ha ha! So that is the joke around my house. Sometimes I kid around and do a little duckling imitation... 'cheep, cheep' :-) I barely wear a wig anymore. Mostly because I just don't care what people think these days. I proudly wear my bandanna and call it good! See, at the beginning when you first lose your hair and you're trying to make sense of everything, all I wanted to do was "blend in" and not have people looking at me wondering what happened. The loss of hair was more emotional for me than I EVER realized it would be.

At one point, it didn't matter one way or the other if I wanted to wear my wig. Here's a funny little story about that. A pile of my husband's work clothes were sitting in the chair in our bedroom waiting for him to take to the dry cleaners and what neither one of us knew at the time was MY WIG was in that pile!!! I searched high and low for that dumb thing for several days...still couldn't find it. The mystery was finally solved when Bobby picked up his cleaning ;)

These last few months sure have been hard ones and I've still got quite a bit to go before I'm done with my cancer journey but I feel like I'm seeing a light at the end of the tunnel now. I can't even begin to explain what a wonderful feeling that is! Unless you've been there, you just have no idea....

P.S. Deena, this one's for you!!!!


  1. Hi Michelle.
    You're a BEAUTIFUL person with or without hair! So glad you reached the point you feel you can just be yourself!:o)
    Hope ya'll have a great wk.end!

  2. Michelle,

    I can't believe how beautiful you are girl! I am so thrilled that your hair is coming in! It's neat that you are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I feel bad complaining about my broken, damaged hair when I should be thankful that I have it!

    Big hugs, Sharon

  3. The soft fuzzy hair you have reminds me of my girlfriend, Linda, when she began to regain her hair...after chemo. We used to joke about it...and so did the nurses. You see, her hair grew in dark with a light white/grey stripe...right down the middle of her head. She was called SKUNK-y!!!

    You look great, seriously!! And it's so great to see you up and about...and "posing" for us again!!


  4. Thak you for revealing yourself to us all here in blogland. I am truly happy you are recovering so well. Your hair does look soft like a little peep.

    I have a friend who wore a bandana all the time and another who just wore her baldness proudly as if to say, I am a warrior!
    Take care, DebraK

  5. Girl I am SO proud of you.. You look GREAT and
    your hair is WAY longer than mine..
    I love to rub my head's like baby fuzz
    and it's soothing!!

    Love ya girl..Deena

  6. Deena loves your BoLdnEss
    and do you have EYE lashes???
    or are you just skilled with the


  7. Hey gals...thanks for all the kind words...they sure do lift me up! I didn't lose every single bit of my eyelashes, although they DID thin out considerably. (I put mascara on every little lash if I'm going out LOL) As for my eyebrows, there are still a few stray hairs that remained and nope, I'm not too skilled with a pencil!

    (Deena, I had to chuckle at your comment about feeling your soft fuzzy hair...I do the same thing! It's somehow reassuring knowing it's there, isn't it?!)

  8. This is amazing, but look who it is truly amazing woman....I love you!!!

    and yes I cried AGAIN!!!


  9. YOU GO GIRL! Look how gorgeous you are. I am so glad you are this far in to this amazing and brave journey.
    You hair looks does soft and like a baby chicks.
    You will be a one HOT chick when your lovely full head is back. Actually you are now. Thanks for showing a picture of your beautiful face!


  10. You are so beautiful Michelle. You are lovely inside and out, and I'm thrilled that your hair is coming in again. I'm so happy you are finished with chemo. I will continue praying for you sweetie. Hugs, Kathi

  11. OH Michelle, don't you look pretty! Your hair is so cute, it is like little chickie fuzz! You have such beautiful eyes!!! I would love to get together sometime! I'm so glad you are seeing the light at the end of this tunnel! Enjoy this unseasonable nice weather we are having here in Michigan!


  12. You look wonderful! And your baldness does accentuate your beautiful eyes.

    I'm glad you feel strong enough to not wear your wig. I think you look awesome. The girls told me the other day that they will miss the "Bald Brittony" (Clarke's girlfriend) once her hair comes back. She, and you, are adorable just the way you are.

    And that little baby bird hair sure is soft, isn't it?

    I loved talking to you today. I'm with you in prayer.

  13. You are awesome!! And you look gorgeous and younger than ever! You amaze me woman!
    Love ya,

  14. You're very beautiful...inside and out. And you're such a strong woman!


  15. I hope that I can be honest here and not come across as weird or something but... When I fisrt looked at your picture it was not your hair that caught my attention. Those eyes! You have the most beautiful eyes that just shine. I can only imagine the pain that you have gone through. You are one courageous and beautiful woman..just split ends to worry about,hehe. Take care and many blessings your way!

  16. Michelle, you are such a beautiful woman! I am so blessed to have meet you through blogging! I can't even imagine what you have been through, but I know you must be one amazing woman! Blessings to you, Nancy

  17. duckie, duckie, duckie.

  18. You are so beautiful.

    I LOVE all of your thrift store finds!!! That plate is awesome! You got some great deals!

  19. You are BEAUTIFUL and BRAVE! Kick cancer's butt!

  20. Your beautiful! Thank you for sharing. We have chickens and at times baby chicks...nothing sweeter.

  21. I so know how you feel , I have looked just like you ! LOL :oP xo Diana Lyn


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