Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I'm NOT a whiner. Really, I'm not. I don't have a negative personality where all I do is sit around and complain. Yesterday was just like that children's book..."Alexander and the terrible horrible no good very bad day"! (Have any of you ever read that?! I haven't in years, but that's exactly what yesterday felt like.)

I talked to my brother on the phone this morning and just like I was telling him - I'll be better once something gets settled about where we're going to move. That's A LOT of stress for anyone to deal with, much less already dealing with the current health situation I've got going on.

Speaking of which, I'm going to see my breast surgeon today for a follow-up appointment. The lymph node they removed during my surgery came back from pathology as being cancerous. Got that news yesterday so that was just like icing on top of the *stress* cake :)

I'm so glad for this particular scripture...

"Great is His faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each day." Lamentations 3:23

Boy, am I ever glad for a NEW DAY! Hope you all enjoy yours :)


  1. Thank God for family thank God for friends......thank the Lord for each person that eases the stress of a complicated day! That is a great scripture.....I am going to highlight it!


  2. Hi Michelle,
    Still praying for you!
    You are not whining! Ya'll are having to go thru too much right now! THis Too Shall Pass!
    Hope today goes better !

  3. Michelle, Michelle, You could use a hug today for sure! You certainly are being tested. I am praying for you!
    Gentle Hugs,

  4. Blessings sweetie!!

    You know we're lifting you and your entire family in prayer!!


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. sorry the lymph node is cancerous too. You really don't need to worry about being a whiner! You have so much to deal with right now and you are doing great! God has given you so much grace! Praying for your family!


  7. I came here from the Cherdecor blog.I have read Alexander and the terrible horrible no good very bad day. In fact, we have a copy of it. Yes, some days are like that. Sounds like you have having more of those days than you need. I am adding my prayers for you and hugs too.

  8. Michelle, Thank you so much for your encouraging words and prayers for me. In spite of all your are going through you sent ME an e-card. YOU are so thoughtful. Bless you. I will be back to read more of your words. I'm catching up today. Hugs, Kathi

  9. You've certainly had ALOT to deal with these days but it's so good to know that God is forever faithful and offers us a fresh new day, everyday, and that he is there with us...often carrying us along the way!

    Michelle, I'm not a whiner either but believe me, I have my days and they've been nothing compared to yours lately. Whine a little if you need to!! No one would question it!

    You are continually in my thoughts and my prayers. Your housing concerns are at the top of my prayer list right now...and God will answer all of these prayers. He knows exactly which house you will move into, where it is, and the date and time you will move in! It's just difficult waiting for him to reveal these to you...but he will!

    Take care friend and talk to you soon!

    Love, Linda

  10. Michelle - don't feel like you have to "be positive" every day. That will add more stress as you know. It's okay to be down and have yourself a pity party. Life has thrown you some major curveballs. Thankfully none of them surprised our GOD! We often wonder, how much more? At least I know I do. And that's when I let myself have a "terrible horrible no good very bad day".

    Glad HIS mercies are new every morning! Praying for you. Trusting God that His heart is good and He will provide all that you need.

    Love to you, my friend-

  11.'re NEVER a whiner..we are here to listen and help in any way we can. Plus will work out, I know it. should be getting a little box via UPS tomorrow!!!!


  12. Bless your heart, Michelle! You have every right to whine, but I am amazed at how you are handling everything! You have so much on you! I have been thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers! ~Rhonda :)

    I am hosting a give-away in celebration of my 100th post. Come by and enter if you get a chance! :)

  13. Hi Michelle!
    I have been getting caught up and see you have been through so much recently! I seem to have had one of THOSE years as well. Like you I have been dealing with a lOT of uncertainty...but my constant has been believing in my GOD that never changes, never sleeps or slumbers, who ultimately is there...right by your side...every step of the way..(Psalms 121). I don't know what the future holds...but I KNOW who holds the future!

    I pray that GOD who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all we ever ask or can Him be the Power and Glory forever will do so for you now...and its okay to not always be UP...

    God bless you in this time of struggle!

  14. Oh dear Michelle. I am so sorry. I wish I could do something to help. I will keep praying for you and your family.


  15. Hi Michelle,
    Havent heard from ya lately so came to check out your blog. So sorry to hear about the house situation. I cant even believe it! What bad timing! I will add it to my prayer list. God will come through, He always does. Hang in there!

    Thinking and praying for you,



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