Friday, June 6, 2008

I Don't Think I'd Survive If I Lived Out In The Country...Seriously!

Look at that...yuk! Do you see that little snake? I'm SUCH a baby when it comes to things like that...snakes, mice, etc. ! I think I'd really, really, really have a hard time living out in the country somewhere! LOL

I happened upon this dumb snake when I was out cleaning the yard a couple days ago. I saw it and I was like, 'Ya know what? Those leaves can just stay right there for now!' - ooh, I don't like snakes...they scare me! What's kinda funny is I never, ever saw one when we lived in NC (except at the Asheboro Zoo! ha ha) and I heard all kinds of stuff about the size of the snakes there.

We live in a neighborhood and our yard needed to be mowed sooooooo badly but obviously I've had several other things going on right now (Tyler's accident; then taking care of him). But I finally got out there and worked a full day mowing, pulling weeds, putting down mulch, hanging my flower baskets, etc. etc.

So it's finally Friday and the weekend's here...woo hoo! What's everyone up to this weekend? I'd love to hear! We've got graduation parties both tomorrow & Sunday. They're both an hour away so we'll be on the road. What's the price of gas by you? Ours is about $3.92/gallon - give or take a penny or two, depending on which station ya go to.

Whatever you end up doing, enjoy yourself! Have an awesome weekend!


  1. Hi Michelle!
    I love gardening and being out there in the dirt, but yeh the snakes no way....I would freak!
    This weekend my Mom is coming home for a couple days from my Aunts, I miss her so much!!! She is still there helping my Aunt out some.
    So this weekend we will celebrate my bday together at home, this was the first year in 39 years I have not spent my actual bday with my Mom! So this weekend will be nice. I also have to get some more plants in the garden, all while trying to stay cool. It is about 88 here today and gas is a whopping $4.20! Yikes! maybe I should by a bike! And on Sunday I have to work at the parks concession stand for the baseball league my son belongs to! Hope you enjoy your graduation parties!!


  2. i love playing in the dirt ,but don't like things that crawls!lol
    Our gas is aroud $3.89 ,goes up daily haven't been out today.
    Just a quite laid back wk.end here:o) Friends for supper one night.
    Have a Blessed wkend.

  3. I the only SHOCKED person about that snake!? Is that normal to see snakes in the States??? WHAT IN THE WORLD!!!! You'd never, ever, ever find a snake in Canada. I have never heard of that before in my life. This is so shocking to me, you have no idea!!! LOL
    I only thought you could find snakes laying around overseas somewhere in some country like Austrailia or something. Id never imagine to see one in the States! I am floored! I cant believe this!!! I seriously cant believe it LOL

  4. Hello Michelle, The Candy Bouquets are SWEET! The snakes, well unfortuneately we need them , But when I can I use the lawn mower! UGH! Our gas here in Seattle is around 4.15 now for reg. have a wonderful weekend! XXOO Diana Lyn

  5. eeewwwww!!!! I'm with you....hate them, hate them, hate them.....I've had too many run-ins with them.
    Enjoy your full week end!

  6. Ick! We have two small snakes in our vegetable garden and I don't care to see them again! LOL Have a great weekend!

    that would keep me AWAY from the
    hose and the garden for A WHILE

    I don't like snakes..
    smiles, Deena


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