Saturday, October 10, 2009

Homecoming Fun

Tonight was the Homecoming dance so I thought I'd just share a few pictures with you. Taylor went with a group of friends from school. This year we decided to do something different. Instead of getting a limo, going out to eat and spending lots of money, a few kids came over to our house for a good old-fashioned dinner. I fixed a pot roast, mashed potatoes & gravy, corn, biscuits and chocolate cake for dessert. It was a very nice, relaxed, enjoyable time before they left for the dance.

As you can see from the pictures...yes, I have lots of hair now! (Yes indeedy, it's all mine and not a wig! Probably sounds silly but I am very thankful for it!!!!)


  1. You look beautiful and a home-cooked family meal before homecoming sounds delightful!


  2. Hi there~
    You and your daughters are beautiful, the dinner you made sounds absolutely delicious (what a great idea!), AND your hair looks so cute.
    I loved looking at all the pictures :)
    Have a great day!

  3. Awww She looked beautiful!!! What a great mom you are! Sounds like a fun and yummy time!!!


  4. Oh Michelle ~ you look beautiful and I love your hair!

    The girls are so cute...sounds like a fun time!


  5. How very nice!! I hope when my kids get older they will do things like this with me! You must be one cool mom!! And the three of you are beautiful!!!!

  6. Your daughters are so pretty and your homecooked meal sounds delicious! I always love to do things at home for my kids instead of having them go out.

    YOUR HAIR IS GORGEOUS!!! I can't get over how long it is. The cut is adorable, too. I am just thrilled for you. I know what a big deal it is.

    Love & Hugs,

  7. All three of you are gorgeous! I love the pictures! Michelle, your hair looks fabulous!

    xox Sharon

  8. What a neat idea!!

    I love your hair! It looks fabulous!

    Blessings on your move I read about up above.



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