Thursday, March 26, 2009

Time Has Been Flying By This Week!

Tomorrow I'll be having the first of my two surgeries. Wow, I am ever nervous! But then I think about how it will put me one step closer to finishing treatment and I'm thankful for that...

The appointment with my oncologist this past Monday went well. I found out I'll be able to have my med port removed tomorrow during the surgery. This part wasn't news to me 'cause I already knew I'll have to be on Tamoxifen for five years but the doctor gave me the prescription for that. The other doctor's appointment I had this week to see the plastic surgeon also went well. Now it's just a countdown until tomorrow.

I'll be back around soon to let you all know how everything goes :)


  1. Just know...we'll be continuing to pray for you sweetie!

    ~Blessings and Hugs...

  2. Keep us posted. I am with you in spirit and I'll keep on praying!

  3. I am so glad you posted this. Praying that God's hands would be on every part of your surgery tomorrow. That you will heal quickly and completely.

    May you somehow have peace.
    Love to you,

  4. Good luck Sweet Pea... I too will saying a prayer for the doctor to have inspiration (to create masterpieces:-)hee hee) and for you to have a fast recovery!

    What a long painful journey this has been for you and I bet it is so nice to be able to see the end in sight! And to get on living life with your beautiful family with your new perky beauties

    seriously, with love and lots of well wishes!
    Bless you wonderful heart!

  5. Hey Michelle,
    Sending lots of prayers your way! Another step closer to the finish line!
    Love ya,

  6. Hi Michelle,

    Praying that all is well and you are home and recovering!!! One day at a time.
    Deb :)

  7. been thinking about you this weekend and hope you are resting comfortably. take care!

  8. Hope your doing better now, let us know! Been praying for you...

    Donna Lynn

  9. Dear Michelle, I am on a blogging break, but I wanted to come by and visit you. I am praying you are recovering from your first surgery. You sound so good.

    Your new blog look is very pretty. Love, Kathi

  10. Oh Michelle ~ I'll be praying for you girlfriend...hoping that everything goes well.

    Lots of hugz,


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