Monday, February 16, 2009

It's Been A While...

Whoa, it sure has been a while since I last posted anything...can't believe 11 days have passed! I honestly just haven't been feeling good physically and emotionally I'm just sick and tired of this whole cancer journey. I'm looking very forward to the 'being done with chemo' milestone (2 to go) but then I also know there are more surgeries/treatment to follow and sometimes it's all so overwhelming. I'm feeling impatient about a lot of things. Sure, my hair IS growing back but I want a full head of it N-O-W! I look outside and I'm tired of seeing snow...I want to enjoy the warmth of spring days. And the list goes on :) It's a just a "restless" stage of life right now but this too shall pass and I'm glad...


  1. Oh Sweetie...I'm sorry to hear you haven't been feeling good! We pray for you daily...we'll be praying for extra strength and hope AND patience!!

    I soooooo understand not wanting to see the SNOW anymore and enjoying the warmth of spring days...I'm anxious for that too!

    Love ya...

  2. Michelle,

    I am so sorry you haven't been feeling well and the Cancer funk is huge. I can't even imagine. I pray and think about you alot and pray all goes smoothly and well for you.
    Stupid hair! LOL Some women are beautiful bald and I am not one of them. I hope both of our heads of thick hair would come in and fast! Even faster than Spring time! lol
    Being a stylist even if I am out of the fashion loop, it is hard when you don't have enough to work with! LOL No I am not really laughing because it stinks and I feel so sorry you have to go through this. I adored your blond hair and cut before the big C!

    This too will pass sweet lady and I pray so hard you can return to normal life and take some fo the gifts of this journey you have learned to bless the lives of others. Have a better week.

    Love, beth

  3. I'm so sorry you're feeling badly! I totally understand! When you have a long term illness and going through treatment you just want it done already! All this cold and snow doesn't help! I am so done with this weather! I hope you are feeling better soon...thinking of you and praying for you! Big Hugs!


  4. Oh Michelle ~ I'm so sorry you haven't been feeling good. I know how you feel about being sick of snow...I want spring! And it's supposed to snow again the end of this week....I've had enough!

    Hugz girlfriend...take care!


  5. Believe me, I soooooo understand! The waiting is the worst part. Waiting for the next treatment. . . waiting for the next appointment. . . . waiting for surgery. . . waiting to heal from surgery. . . waiting for hair. . . waiting to start radiation!!! And the list goes on. I finished chemo and surgery and now starting radiation. My hair, too, is just starting to come back, but at this rate, it will be forever. I know how you feel! It is definitely a long journey, and a life changer, for sure. But it will pass, and it will be behind us. Take one day at a time, find something good to hang on to, cherish those who love you, and tomorrow will come!!!! Restless is good --- it means you are fighting!!!!


  6. Love you lots, Michelle. I'm still praying for you. . . .

    Gentle hugs,

  7. It is sooo good to hear from you Michelle but sorry you've been feeling so bad. I normally don't use this word but Cancer sucks! There's nothing good about it! I hope we see a cure in our lifetime!

    Take care and I'll be praying for you!

  8. Well blah and yuck and crap and fooey and's hoping you get through today and tomorrow and begin to see the other side.

  9. I've been thinkin about you and wondering how you were. I am sure the dreary weather is not helping make all this any easier. If you need anything, let me know..I am always here. I am knee deep in piles of junk I am sorting through..but I am here!

  10. Hi Michelle,
    When I read the comments from gals who care about you...I get all teared up!!
    I have lived with cancer through a friend. I went with for her chemo, shopped, cleaned, and just sat with her. It was a 2 year journey for her and the cancer won. Her name is Rose and she taught me SO much!!
    Heavenly Father, I am lifting up Michelle to you. I pray for peace during these times and may she feel your LOVE and Arms around here. Thank you for ALWAYS being here. Amen

    Take care...

  11. My sweet Michelle,

    I pray for you daily. I think about you often. I only know what you're going through because I've been through it with my son and now his girlfriend. I don't know what you're going through because I haven't experienced it. I so hope that you are feeling better today and will feel better and better as the days go on. Your hair WILL grow back. This I know. It might not be the same hair, but it will be beautiful.

    I wish I could bring you some spring. We had a little teaser down here last week, but it is getting cold again. Not the cold that you have, but cold for us. I know how the weather can affect your mood and your feelings. I am much more depressed on cold, gloomy days. I wish it could be warm and sunny all the time - both outside and in our hearts!

    I am sending hugs and love to you. I wish I could deliver them in person, along with a hot cup of tea or coffee or hot chocolate!


  12. Michelle,
    I'm so sorry you haven't felt good....I hope you will be feeling great soon. Spring wil be here soon....My prayers are with you....Smiles and Hugs for You...kathy


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