Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Wishing you a Happy Mother's Day! Enjoy a beautiful day with the ones you love...celebrate MOM! And to those of you who have lost a mother making today especially difficult, I'm sorry and pray the memories of your mom will make you smile today, even though she's not here. I know it's so hard - but that's what I'm gonna do today. Remember the good times and hold onto those.


  1. Ill be thinking of ya today,
    love c

  2. I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day yesterday! You've been in my prayers.

    Hope we can catch up soon!

  3. The BIG day (haha) is not until tomorrow BUT I just HAD to pay tribute to ya today. Well you know me after all...I MUST be the VERY first person to wish you a Happy Bday. Mua ha ha ha haaaaaa

    Loves ya


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