Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Busy, busy, busy :)

Wow, I sure haven't been around too much, now have I?! I've been working every weekday, keeping pretty busy. I've got tomorrow off so that's good - my absence is evident around my house so it's another kind of 'workday' for me...housework! LOL

Please pray for our blogging friend, Candy - over @ Candy's Home & Thoughts. She is very sick and could definitely use our prayers right now. She is a very sweet lady and it's too bad she's been so ill. Thanks in advance!


  1. I've missed "seeing" you around!!

    I'll certainly be praying for Candy. She's a sweet heart. I never got her new url when she moved her blog :o(

    Glad the hear you've been busy --- a good busy!

  2. HI, Michelle, thanks for stopping by on the grocery post. It's nice to share tips with each other, so we can all try to save some $$.


  3. Thanks so much Shell, I cant tell you how much I appreciate it. Im on my way back to bed right now, just so sick..
    Please tell Jennifer my blog address, hope she comes visit. Sorry she didnt have my new blog address. I mostly just emailed a few people and never did get around to letting everyone know about my new blog but sure hopes she drops by and thank her for the prayer, I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.


I appreciate each and every single one of you who stops by for a visit...thank you! Please leave me a comment...I really love hearing from you :)